Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform the user (hereinafter, the “User“) of the website https:// about the collection and treatment of their personal data.

Access and/or use of the Website attributes the condition of User, and implies acceptance, from such access and/or use, of this Privacy Policy.

1. What is the company responsible for the processing of your data?

The organisation responsible for the processing of your data is FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS (hereinafter “FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS”) with VAT No. ESG84410158 and registered office at calle Pedro Unanue 14, local - 28045, Madrid (Spain).

For any question related to this Privacy Policy and Data Protection, the User may contact FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS at the email address

2. Recommendations

Please read carefully and follow the following recommendations:

The Website is not directed at minors. Please activate parental controls to prevent and control minors' access to the Internet and inform minors about security issues.

Keep properly installed and updated antivirus software on your computer, which ensures that your computer is free of malicious software, as well as spyware applications that may put your Internet browsing and the information hosted on the computer at risk.

Review and read the legal texts, as well as this Privacy Policy that FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS places at your disposal on the Website.

3. Why is FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS qualified to carry out data processing?

FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS processes the User's personal data in order to be able to carry out the services requested by the User through the Website, for which the User gives his consent by accepting this Privacy Policy and the corresponding boxes provided.

FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS takes the protection of your privacy and personal data very seriously. Therefore, your personal information is kept securely and treated with the utmost care, fully complying with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of this data (hereinafter, “RGPD”) and in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter “LOPD-GDD”).

This Privacy Policy regulates access and use of the website and the services that FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS makes available to the User interested in the services and content hosted on the Website.

In this sense, the legitimation bases used by FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS for the treatment of Users' data are:

  • The execution of a contractual relationship.
  • The legitimate interest.
  • The consent of the Users to the treatment of their personal data for the purposes specified in each case.

Regarding the latter, the User may withdraw consent at any time by sending a message to the following email address:

4. What are the purposes of the processing of your personal data?

This Privacy Policy regulates access and use of the services (hereinafter, the ”Services”) that FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS places at the disposal of Users interested in the Services and content hosted on the Website.

In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, we inform you that your personal data will be processed for the purposes listed below:

  • Provide the services requested by the User on the Website.
  • Send Newsletters and communications related to FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS, by email, SMS / MMS, by letter, telephone, or by other equivalent electronic means of communication, if the User so requests.

However, the User may revoke the consent in each commercial communication that is sent to him and, at any time, by notification to the following email address:

5. Storage of personal data

The data collected by FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS will be kept while the contractual relationship of provision of services between the parties is maintained, as long as the elimination of said data by the User is not requested. Later, if necessary, FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS will keep the information blocked for the legally established deadlines.

The User is informed that their data will be collected only for the purposes set forth in the preceding paragraphs and will not be treated in a manner incompatible with said purposes.

6. Accuracy of the data provided by users

The User guarantees that the personal data provided is true and is responsible for communicating to FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS any modification thereof. The User will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, and FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS reserves the right to exclude from the registered services all the Users who have provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that may be in Law.

It is recommended to have the utmost diligence in terms of Data Protection through the use of security tools, and FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS cannot be held responsible for theft, modification or loss of illegal data.

Any modification or update thereof must be communicated to FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS through the means of communication available in this Privacy Policy.

7. Rights of the Users in relation to their data

The Users have the right to:

  • Access their personal data,
  • Request the rectification of inaccurate data,
  • Request its deletion,
  • Request the limitation of the processing of their data,
  • Oppose the processing of their data,
  • Request the portability of their data,
  • Not be subject to automated individual decisions,
  • In addition, Users may exercise their right to be forgotten.

To exercise these rights, it is necessary that the Users prove their identity against FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS by sending a photocopy of their National Identity Document or any other valid means in Law.

Users can exercise all these rights at the following email address:

Users can also send their request by ordinary mail to the following address: FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS Calle Pedro Unanue 14, local 28005, Madrid (Spain).

Without prejudice to any other administrative remedy or legal action, Users will have the right to file a claim with a Control Authority, particularly in the Member State in which they have their habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, in case they consider that the treatment of their personal data is not adequate to the regulations, as well as in the case of not seeing the exercise of their rights satisfied. The Control Authority to which the claim has been presented will inform the claimant about the course and result of the claim.

8. Data Security

The protection of the privacy and personal data of its customers and visitors is very important to FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS. Therefore, FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS does everything in its power to prevent your data from being used improperly. Your data can only be accessed by authorized personnel.

FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS maintains adequate security for the protection of personal data in accordance with applicable regulations and has established all the technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of data that Users provide through of the Website, without prejudice to informing you that Internet security measures are not impregnable.

CIBERVOLUNTARIOS FOUNDATION undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality regarding personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

9. Links

The Website of FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS may contain links to web pages of companies and third-party entities.

FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS cannot be responsible for the way in which these companies treat the protection of privacy and personal data, so we advise you to read carefully the Privacy Policy statements of these web pages that are not the property of FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS in relation to the use, processing and protection of personal data.

The conditions offered by these web pages may not be the same as those offered by FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS.

10. Questions

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the treatment of your data, please contact FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS by email to the following email address:

11. Updates and changes in the Privacy Policy

FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS reserves the right to revise its Privacy Policy at any time it deems appropriate. For this reason, please check this Privacy Policy regularly to read the most recent version of it.

However, any change that occurs in this Privacy Policy will be communicated to the User.