People with intellectual disabilities share with iDEM the barriers they experience  when participating in democracy

People with intellectual disabilities share with iDEM the barriers they experience when participating in democracy

17/07/2024 admin

July has been busy and exciting for iDEM as we have started our focus groups with people with intellectual disabilities in Italy and Spain. This process of co-creation ensures that the accessibility tools we are developing to break down language barriers truly adapt to different support needs and experiences. Language barriers, complex processes, and lack of support were identified as being the main issues regarding democratic participation. 

Project partners Action Aid International Italia E.T.S and Anffas Nazionale co-organised a focus group in Bologna with the collaboration of ANFFAS Bologna and Cooperativa Sociale Bologna Integrazione on 6 July. The Italian focus group brought together eight adults with intellectual disabilities. Plena Inclusión Madrid and Fundación Cibervoluntarios, two Spanish project partners, organised a focus group on 9 July in Madrid with ten adults with intellectual disabilities. Participants from both countries arrived to similar conclusions: 

The language used in politics is too complex and not accessible

Both groups underlined that televised speeches and the language used by the media to discuss politics was too complex and difficult to understand. Focus group participants shared that material available in Easy-to-Read and presentations in plain language were necessary to access information. 

The process of participation can be overwhelming

The process of participation itself, beyond the language barriers, was also identified as being a potential issue. The way in which citizens are approached during democratic processes, such as elections, can be too overwhelming and anxiety-inducing. For instance, numerous emails and App notifications can be overstimulating and actually discourage participation. Participants also shared that having enough time and space to be able to write down their thoughts and opinions was necessary, as sometimes political processes were too fast-paced and they preferred to be able to check their notes after the event. 

Peer and personal support should be included in participation processes 

The importance of both peer support and having access to personal support during these participatory processes was also a main conclusion of the discussions. Both of these types of support make democratic participation more accessible for people with disabilities. 

This feedback will be used by the iDEM team to ensure that the App and platform truly respond to the accessibility needs of people with disabilities. Follow our news as we keep working towards this goal!