Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

This document (together with all the documents mentioned therein) establishes the general conditions (hereinafter, the ”General Conditions”) governing the use of the website https:// idemproject.eu (hereinafter, The ”Website”). The use of the Website does not entail the mandatory registration of the user (hereinafter, the ”User”). The conditions of access and use of the Website are strictly governed by current legislation and by the principle of good faith, and the User undertakes to make good use of the Website. We ask the User to carefully read these General Conditions, our Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy before using this website.

These General Conditions could be modified. It is your responsibility to read them periodically, since those that are in force at the time of placing orders or in the absence of these, at the time of use of the Website, will be those that are applicable.

2. Identity of the parties

On the one hand, the provider of the services offered through the Website is FUNDACIÓN CIBERVOLUNTARIOS, with address at calle Pedro Unanue 14, local - 28045, Madrid (Spain), with V.A.T. No. G-84410158 (hereinafter, ”Cibervoluntarios”) and on the other, the User who may or may not be registered.

3. Object

Cibervoluntarios is a non-profit entity made up of social entrepreneurs that promotes the use and knowledge of new technologies as a means to alleviate possible social gaps, generate social innovation and provide citizen empowerment. Cibervoluntarios works to increase the rights, opportunities and capacities that each person has within their environment, thanks to the social use of technological tools and applications that are within their reach.

4. General Restrictions on use

All acts that violate the legality, rights or interests of third parties, the right to privacy and honour, data protection, intellectual property and ultimately any action that may constitute unlawful conduct are prohibited. Expressly and without limitation, Cibervoluntarios prohibits the following ones:

  • To perform actions that may produce on the Website or through the Website by any means any type of damage to the Cibervoluntarios systems or to third parties.
  • To carry out, without due authorization, any type of advertising or commercial information directly or covertly.

5. Data security and confidentiality

All the information provided by the Users of Cibervoluntarios will be used in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy.

The personal data received will be treated in accordance with the provisions established in Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these and by which Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and Organic Law 3/2018, dated December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of rights are repealed. digital (LOPD-GDD) and other concordant regulations in force in Spain.

Users of the Website and registered Users may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of treatment, portability and forgetfulness in relation to the data included in the registration forms, writing to Cibervoluntarios through the email rgpd@cibervoluntarios.org or to the following postal address: calle Pedro Unanue 14, local - 28045, Madrid (Spain).

6. Intellectual property

All the contents of the Website, unless otherwise indicated, are the exclusive property of the Website owner or third parties and, by way of example, but not limited to, the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, and other elements that appear on the Website. Likewise, all trade names, brands or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the Website are protected by law.

The owner of the Website does not grant any type of license or authorization for personal use to the User regarding their intellectual and industrial property rights or any other right related to their Website and the services offered therein. For this reason, the User acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, marketing, transformation, and in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this Website constitutes an infringement of intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the owner of the Website or the owner of said rights.

7. Liability regime

Cibervoluntarios will only be liable for the damages that the User may suffer as a result of the use of the Website when such damages are attributable to a malicious act of Cibervoluntarios. The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Website, as well as the commissioning of projects, training sessions and other activities offered therein is carried out at his/her entire risk and responsibility.

Cibervoluntarios is not responsible for the damages that may derive from, merely by way of example and not limitation: (i) Inferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and / or disconnections in the operational operation of this electronic system or in the Users' computer devices and equipment, motivated by causes beyond Cibervoluntarios, that prevent or delay the provision of services or navigation through the system; (ii) Delays or blockages in use caused by deficiencies or overloads of the Internet or other electronic systems; (iii) That they may be caused by third parties through illegitimate interference outside the control of the Website and that are not attributable to Cibervoluntarios; (iv) The divergences of the information, documentation and / or other content of the Website that may exist between the electronic version and the printed version, if any; (v) The impossibility of providing the service or allowing access for reasons not attributable to Cibervoluntarios, due to the User, third parties, or force majeure.

Cibervoluntarios does not control, in general, the use that Users make of the Website. In particular, it does not guarantee under any circumstances that Users use the Website in accordance with the law, these General Conditions, generally accepted morals and good customs and public order, nor that they do so diligently and prudently.

8. Modification

Cibervoluntarios reserves the right to proceed with the content modifications, updates, changes and configuration that are necessary in these General Conditions, not assuming any type of responsibility for the modifications, updates, changes and configuration of both these General Conditions and the Website.

9. Jurisdiction and applicable Law

These General Conditions are governed by current Spanish legislation. Specifically, they are subject to the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, dated November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws; Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data and by which Directive 95/46 / EC is repealed; Organic Law 3/2018, dated December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights; and Law 34/2002 dated July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce as well as any other Law or Regulation that develops or modifies them and other complementary legislation.

For the resolution of any controversy or conflict arising from these General Conditions, the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid will be competent, the User expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction that may correspond.