iDEM celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day with an event in Barcelona

iDEM celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day with an event in Barcelona

16/05/2024 admin

Today, 16 May, is Global Accessibility Awareness Day! iDEM is celebrating this important day by participating in the event held by the Accessibility Innovation Network of Catalonia in Barcelona. Horacio Saggion, professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and lead researcher for iDEM, is presenting our project and discussing text simplification technology to support people with intellectual disabilities in accessing information and participating in democratic life.

In Europe today, millions of people with disabilities, elderly people, and migrants continue to be denied access to democratic spaces and participation. One of the main reasons for this is complex and inaccessible language. Last month, the European Disability Forum, the biggest disability umbrella organisation in Europe, published a report on the inaccessibility of European political party websites. Without accessible information, people with disabilities and communities with language difficulties are left out of the conversation entirely.

This is exactly the accessibility gap that iDEM wants to bridge by developing AI tools to enable everyone to access information adapted to their individual needs and express their own opinion.

Stay tuned to read more about iDEM’s progress in bringing inclusion and accessibility one step closer!